James Morton
James studied at the University of the West of England (UWE) from 2003 – 2006. Since then he has travelled to various countries around the world doing mostly private commissions. He now lives and paints in Bristol.
James paints large scale portraits with acrylic and spray paint, using a range of instruments to create lively markings. He paints actively, moving the board around to watch the paint behave in a variety of different ways. Layers are added and scraped away to create textures which convey the mood of the subject.
There is no specific process to the way he paints; instead he uses the subject to decide how to apply the paint and what feeling to create. Although each painting starts from a particular image, they move beyond this to evolve in an individual way of their own.

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More Information
Email us (art(at)itsall2much(dot)com) if you’d like to know more about James Morton.